

米国で21世紀の「グランドチャレンジ」について広く一般から意見を募る試みがありました。面白いのは、意見の提出方法として、メール以外にツイッターが許されている点です。ツイッターで、例えば「#whgc Cold Fusion」を検索すると数件ヒットします。常温核融合を挙げた人も少なくとも数名はいたようです。


Grand Challenges of the 21st Century -- Your Ideas Welcome
Posted by Thomas Kalil on April 13, 2010 at 10:14 AM EDT


One of the goals of President Obama's Strategy for American Innovation is to harness science and technology to address the "grand challenges" of the 21st century in areas such as health, clean energy, national security, and education and life-long learning. Grand challenges are important national goals like putting a man on the Moon or sequencing the human genome that require advances in science and technology to achieve. They also have the potential to drive sustainable economic growth and the creation of quality jobs.


Examples of specific goals that have been previously articulated by the President and others include early detection of dozens of diseases from a saliva sample, solar cells as cheap as paint, and educational software that is as compelling as the best video game and effective as a personal tutor.


In February 2010, the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Economic Council  released a "Request for Information" to collect input from the public regarding the grand challenges identified in the President's innovation strategy, other possible grand challenges, and the partners (e.g. companies, universities, non-profit organizations) that would need to collaboration to achieve these ambitious goals. The deadline for responses is Thursday, April 15th.


Harnessing the expertise of the American people is a key element of President Obama's open government agenda.


I'm delighted that Expert Labs, a project of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has developed some great tools to help the government (and anyone else, for that matter) capture the ideas and insights of participants in social networks. For example, you can send your idea via twitter by replying to @whitehouse and including the #whgc hashtag (a tip: check out other ideas with this search).

喜ばしいことに、米国科学振興協会のプロジェクトであるExpert Labsで、政府(や他の誰でも)の助けとなるツールが開発され、ソーシャルネットワークの参加者からアイデアや洞察を集めるのが楽になりました。例えば、ツイッターであなたのアイデアを送る事ができます。@whitehouseに返信するか、ハッシュタグ「#whgc」を使ってください。

You can also email your ideas to challenge@ostp.gov.

メールアドレス challenge@ostp.gov にアイデアを送ってくれても構いません。

We are really looking forward to reviewing your ideas, and to sharing the progress that we make in the weeks and months ahead to reach these ambitious goals.



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